Tom Holland speaks on Spider-Man 4 as 'studios clash over Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield'

Tom Holland has spoken out on Spider-Man 4 amid reports that Disney's Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures are clashing over the return of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

Spider-Man: No Way Home comes out on DVD on March 22

: No Way Home was a colossal hit for Disney and Sony as their joint blockbuster made almost $2 million worldwide.

The MCU movie’s success was largely down to former Peter Parker stars Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield returning to their roles in a heavily rumoured multiverse mash-up with Tom Holland.

Considering the 2021 movie was Sony’s highest-grossing of all time, it’s hardly surprising that Holland’s Spider-Man 4 is in the works.

And now the 27-year-old star has spoken out on the upcoming film amid reports of a clash on the project between Disney’s Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures.


Tom Holland speaks on Spider-Man 4 as 'studios clash over Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield' (Image: SONY)

However, rumour has it that over at Disney, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige wants the sequel to be more grounded, while Sony wants it to be huge.

From the latest update by Holland himself (which you can read below) it sounds like they’ll be going with Feige’s request.

But that doesn’t mean we’ve seen last of the other Peter Parkers who are rumoured to return in 2017’s Avengers: Secret Wars.

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spider-man and mj

Spider-Man 4 will begin with Peter Parker having been forgotten by everyone including MJ (Image: SONY)

Speaking with Deadline, Holland said of his fourth solo outing: “The simple answer is that I’ll always want to do Spider-Man films. I owe my life and career to Spider-Man. So the simple answer is yes. I’ll always want to do more. We have the best in the business working toward whatever the story might be. But until we’ve cracked it, we have a legacy to protect.

“The third movie was so special in so many ways that we need to make sure we do the right thing. This is the first time in this process that I’ve been part of the creative so early. It’s just a process where I’m watching and learning. It’s just a really fun stage for me. Like I said, everyone wants it to happen. But we want to make sure we’re not overdoing the same things.”

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